Mommy Issues  


A hopefully rare, extrospective and angry post: do not read herein for a dispassionate point of view.

Dear Mr. B-

When I got married, I hoped to be somebody's mother someday... but not YOUR mother, and not today. One thing about mothers is they always have something for you to do. Be idle for two minutes and you can bet Mom's got a list. I was a good kid and I always did what my motherf asked, but I certainly never went trolling for ways to support her! I didn't realize until I got married what a drag it is to be the constant taskmaster.

But like the best gifts are the ones you wanted but never asked for, the best support is the kind you need but don't want to nag out of someone. I don't expect you to read my mind (usually). I do expect you to listen to the things that concern me and spend ten minutes thinking about it to come up with some way to help.

I know this is big picture stuff. In specifics: If you know I'm trying very hard to lose weight and be healthier, and I've done all I can do with dieting but just need to exercise, YOU could be the one to suggest going for a walk. That would be great. I wouldn't feel like I'm dragging you on an outing you'd rather not go on so you could spend time with me, and I wouldn't be choosing between you and exercise. Or, if I'm complaining about cooking dinner four times a week, you could consider that its not just the cooking, but also the deciding and planning the menu that is stressful and not expect me to walk you through it.



even when you royally piss me off,


Mrs. B

Location : 242-264 W Washington St, Lexington, VA 24450,

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